My boyfriend- embarrassed to be seen there!
Last night me and my boyfriend went to see Dane Cook at the Staples Center. Although I have enjoyed some of this other stuff more, it was a good show. We had amazing seats, thanks to my uncle, and overall, had a really good time. Having said this, the Dane Cook fan is a scary sight. I enjoy his stuff, but the majority of his fans that were there last night were horrific looking. DEAR LORD. Every douchebag in LA came out of the woodwork for this show. We are talking about affliction graphic tees everywhere you looked, with enough Ed Hardy to blanket the greater Los Angeles area. I do believe this is what hell will be like. The girls weren't exactly "natural" beauties, if you catch my drift. The picture here is basically what every girl looked like. Scary, I know. The man in the picture below is a compilation I made, of the Dane Cook fan we saw a lot of last night. Guido hair, sculpted facial hair, graphic tee and embellished jeans. A real class act. Just had to report to you on the scary world of douchebag fashion. It was too good to not tell you about!
Dane Cook's female fan:
Dane Cook's male fan: