Friday, May 22, 2009

Adventures in Target!

I think the best invention next to toilet paper is target. That place has EVERYTHING! If the world comes to an end...that is where you will find me! I recently went to the magical superstore to pick up a few household items, and ended up making some personal pampering purchases (say that 10 times fast)! The first picture isn't of a purchase...just the view from my corner, on the way to 'tarjey'. Can you spot the hollywood sign? YAY! You Found it! hahah!  So down to the good stuff: 2 adorable nail polishes in fun colors- perfect for toes and fingers of the daring! The neon green comes out looking like a highlighter, but I am okay with that. The Mediterranean body scrub was one I had seen in the shower before, but that was because my old roommate owned it. She loved it, so I thought 'why not?'- it's delicious! Exfoliated so well, and preps my skin for going to the Bahamas (not actually going to the Bahamas, but that's what I call it when I use self tanning lotion)! 

Now, if you'll excuse me I have a date with some Jergens tanning lotion... 

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